Friday, August 5, 2011

LIndsborg, KS-August 5, 2011

Lindsborg is the Sweden of Kansas. In it's hayday it must have been something to see. Like the rest of the country, it is struggling financially. We walked the entire downtown area, bought a thing or two, had lunch and left. They had Dala horses everywhere, almost on every corner. Like Pensacola did Pelicans, Lindsborg did Dala horses. They were delightful. Then we stopped at a store called Menard's. We have seen that name on NASCAR hoods but didn't know what it was. Imagine a Sam's, a Home Depot, a Lowe's and a grocery store all rolled into one. That's Menard's. It was so massive we could not take it all in. Most of their prices were much better than Wal Mart and their selection was the best we have ever seen in any store we have shopped. They had brands we have not ever seen. It was just fascinating. We did buy some good things there and enjoyed walking for what felt like miles. We prepared to walk today and wore out new tennis shoes. It was 93° today but very pleasant. It rained cats and dogs last night, almost all night long, but the sun came out quickly today. We are anxious to be near the Colorado border tomorrow and then on to Derrick's the following day. In a sense this has been a long trip. In a sense, we've not had enough time to do it all. I guess that's part of RVing.

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