Monday, December 29, 2014

More white stuff-December 29, 2014

It is snowing again though not a blizzard or severe storm. However the wind is so strong the snow is blowing horizontally. Quite a sight. We were supposed to pick up Hannah today so she could play in our home. However, it's just too cold to take the little thing out in it. So I am making a big batch of homemade soup and might make some homemade English muffins this afternoon. We are due to have some bitterly cold temps until at least Saturday. I'll say it again because it bears repeating. We are so happy and thankful to be in a warm place.

After spending days and countless hours winterizing the coach, for a reason we don't know, "we" failed to check the antifreeze in the generator. It is frozen solid. That does not bode well for the pocketbook when the spring thaw occurs. However, we are not crying over spilled milk. It is done and we will deal with it. I guess because the generator was serviced in Red Bay it just never crossed our minds that the liquids they added did not include antifreeze. We do have the block heater on the engine so it will be fine. We'll just save our pennies in between now and Spring and be prepared to have a huge outlay. One thing about owning an RV. You just have to deal with whatever happens.

When I looked out the bedroom window on Saturday morning I was caught by the beauty of the ice on the tree limbs. I took some pictures which don't show the real sparkles in the ice, but you can use your imagination.

You have to trust me. This was quite a beautiful sight.
The snow is very pretty until you have to drive in it.
We will be indoors today, staying warm. I hope you are warm, too. If you are in a warm climate, then don't take it for granted. Everyday is a gift. Enjoy it. 


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