Friday, February 13, 2015

Where is the time going?-February 13, 2015

Today was such a nice day it went beyond me that it was Friday the 13th. The weather was perfect. Jerry and I celebrated our Valentine's Day early with a late lunch today at Scrumpy's in Fort Collins. We love that place and seldom get a chance or time to go there. So to celebrate tomorrow, I will be babysitting both girls all by myself while Jerry and Derrick try to get the greenhouse completed. We are sure we will barely have the energy to drive home tomorrow night and crawl up the steps.

Thursday when we were pulling in our garage with Hannah so she could spend the day with us, I asked her if she would like to cook some cookies? There was silence in the car for a split second while she gathered her words. She folded her hands together and said, "Oh that would be so delicious". Now I ask you: what kind of answer is that from a 2 1/2 year old? What happened to "Yes! Yes!".  I mixed up the dough and put chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and peanut butter chips on 3 separate plates so Hannah could put them on the cookies. I turned my back and then found her tossing white chocolate chips in her mouth like there was no tomorrow. Jerry was laughing so hard I couldn't believe it. Turns out she has never tasted a plain white chocolate chip and she really liked them. We have had so many firsts and I think we will remember them as much and as long as Hannah will.

                                                              I need to ask a question.
Can you balance 11 "mew-mews" on a rocking horse at one time?
And then name them all? We can and we did! The Garfield and
the tiger of which you only see the south end were both Derrick's.
The tiger kept his name, Tigger. But Garfield to Hannah is "Grumpy".
Neither of us can believe our lives have come to this. We love it!
Happy Valentine's Day to everybody!
Have a sweet day.

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