Friday, November 20, 2015

A few days off-November 20, 2015

I must confess we took a few days off for mental relaxation and it caused me to get behind on this blog. I'll share a couple of pictures in no particular order.

Clouds and chemtrails over a pretty lake. If you don't believe
in chemtrails you may call them contrails which were outlawed years ago.
I cannot remember ever seeing clouds quite like these. It
is obvious they are pure ice crystals. To me it looks like somebody
took a brush and spread sugar out across a pretty blue sky.
This is what's left of the girls' play set we spent so much time this summer
staining and repairing. It only took a few minutes of 80 mph winds to bring
it down. We are very sad about this. The only good part is that the weather
is so bad right now the girls can't play outside anyway. We had anchored the legs into
the ground but sometimes you can't fight Mother Nature. If it can be
repaired we will definitely anchor it much better. This happened day before
yesterday. We will check it out more closely tomorrow when we go to pick
up the girls for a full day of playing and cooking.
We had a lot to do inside today and it worked out perfectly. The weather was atrocious. It went from
gloomy to rain to graupel to snow to sunshine in less than 15 minutes. And the wind was roaring out of the north the entire time. We were happy to not be out in it. Tomorrow will be cold but it should not rain or snow.  
There is no denying that winter is here. We had such a pretty fall that it is hard to accept this cold nasty stuff. However, we have no choice. We'll just bundle up and make the most of it. Hope you are warm wherever you are.

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