Monday, August 6, 2012

Lunch in Superior-August 6, 2012

We had lunch in Superior, about 13 miles east of here. It was good and I ate my first wild huckleberries. They are sort of like blueberries but much smaller. I like them. We went outside to take pictures of sunset last night. The sun went down so slowly we gave up and came back in where it was cooler. This is the best I could do.

It doesn't have red and orange in it because the air is so clean.

Superior is larger than St Regis. It has 700 people and here there are only about 350. No wonder there are no cell phone towers! They can get by with smoke signals. Or just yell out the back door at their neighbors! I needed to mail a small package today and I had no box. So I went to the tiny little post office here and was helped above and beyond. The lady got me a box and packed the items for me and taped the box shut while I filled out an address label. You'll never get that kind of service in a big city. So, there are some advantages to tiny little towns. We walked around the entire park today. It was quite a walk. Jerry kept wanting to take off into the woods to explore. I refused. So, I stayed on an open path and waited for him. The owners of this park have created their own walking trails so they are nice. I'm am tad uncomfortable with what animals are lurking in the woods. It was still nice to enjoy the fresh air. 

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