Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of the year-December 31, 2013

Can you believe how fast this year has gone by?

Let me tell you before I sign off for this year, we are watching a series on television that said Kiln, Mississippi was once the moonshine capital of the world, not just the country. We are a stone's throw from Kiln. That's also the birthplace of Brett Favre, formerly of the Green Bay Packers. I am not hinting he was into that. No, indeed. I was only making a statement. Then they showed how they make and move moonshine in Waynesboro, South Carolina. We have stayed there and I figured those woods could talk. It is only a few feet from Asheville where Billy Graham has his retreat. My goodness, one never knows what's going on around us, do we?

As I reflect on 2013 I am oh so thankful for so many blessings. While we did not move around as much as last year, we still had a wonderful time. We went from the desert to swamps, from the mountains to the Gulf coast, through all kinds of weather. So many great memories. So many interesting people crossed our path. We enjoyed time with friends and family we would not have wanted to miss for anything. We are so grateful for a great year.

I hope and pray for all of you that 2014 is the best year you have ever had. I hope it holds much health and happiness for you and yours. Stay safe.


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