Thursday, May 15, 2014

Where we are-May 15, 2014

Today was also not a good day, but we took Hannah outside anyway. She went absolutely bonkers and we could barely keep up with her. The building on this property is a 7280 sq ft Butler building. That's a pretty big building. Hannah ran around it two times. So, did we! She walked through all the trees. And she kicked a large ball, soccer style, for over an hour. She actually got so tired she stopped in her tracks and Jerry grabbed her before she fell on the ground. No problem this afternoon getting her to nap.

Here is a view of the property we are calling our own personal and private RV park.

Standing near the street looking toward the big building. The building
does not sit straight on the property so we are parked on the west side
with a fabulous view of the mountains.
Just outside our door is all this grass for Hannah to play on. The
sprinkler has not been turned on yet so the grass is not green.
But it is plenty thick enough to prevent injuries if she falls while
running like she does.
The other side has all these fantastic trees forming a perfect
windbreak. Hannah ran in and out of every row many times.
And so did we!
After we took her home so she could nap we came back and cleaned up the mess left behind by Hurricane Hannah. Jerry decided to find out why our television squeaks when we drive on bumpy roads. How glad we are he made that decision because there were only 2 screws holding the set in place with all the others laying on a ledge under the television. Oh my goodness. So he worked very hard with me lending a hand briefly and now that thing is in there so tight he says it will stay for a while, hopefully. Now we are resting while it rains.

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