Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dr. Pepper Museum-January 16, 2013

This was a fun stop today. We did not know that Dr. Pepper started in Waco and is the oldest soft drink company in the country. In the 1800s the only place where Dr. Pepper could be purchased was in Waco. So, it stands to reason they should have a musuem to this drink. The museum was built in 1906. It's in great shape for a building that old. People should be so lucky. The man credited with putting this product on the map was W.W. "Foots" Clements. Born and raised in Alabama, he was a graduate of the University of Alabama. He started as a salesman and worked his way up to President and CEO of the company.

Do you remember these clocks? I found it impossible to take a
picture with all three lights lit.
I did not post a blog yesterday. We woke up and found the coach was covered with a sheet of ice along with the front steps and the ground around us. The high reached 34°. So we spent the day indoors trying to stay warm! It's much nicer today. 


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