Monday, September 9, 2013

Rain and oops-September 9, 2013

It started raining about 4:00 this afternoon. What a blessing! It has been so dry and the corn dust was covering everything. And we were sneezing our heads off. They say the rain will last for 3 days. That could be a lot of water. We both noticed about a week ago that the ground always vibrates here. We can't figure out what could cause it, but it is really bizarre. We can feel it in the coach but we feel it much more outside especially standing on solid ground like the concrete driveway. So, Jerry said he thinks we are parked on a sinkhole and this rain is going to make it worse. He laughed when he said it but I didn't think it was too funny. After 3 days of this kind of rain we'll be floating toward the irrigation canal anyway. And we won't be able to go outside without hip waders on. It might only be in the 60s tomorrow. Yippee!!

Hannah has since day one been intrigued by our washer/dryer which has a glass door. In her house the washer and dryer are solid. So she sits and giggles as I sing "The clothes in the dryer go 'round and 'round". She twirls her tiny little hands to the clothes going around. So, when her mom was folding clothes out of a laundry basket, Hannah thought they needed to go 'round and 'round. She grabbed two pieces of clothing and headed for a nearby toilet. In they went! Oops! Look at it this way, she was actually right in her mind. The toilet was white and round and had water in it so she was washing her clothes. We got a real kick out of that. Her mom did not.

I spent a little time today with friend, Mary K, helping her get adjusted to Ancestry. I am not paid to advertise for them but I will tell you it is such an interesting and addictive website. We made it back to her maternal great great grandparents. I was enjoying it as much as she was. If you have not tried it I think you can check out some things for free.

Tomorrow should be another interesting day. Hope you have a good one also!

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