Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Great day-January 5, 2016

I still can't believe we are starting on another year.

Today was probably the best day we have had for a long time. First of all, we were above freezing during the daytime for the first time in 3 weeks. The sun came out and we had more people working on clearing snow. They worked all day on the school parking lot across the street and got a great deal of it cleaned down to the asphalt. It was nice to see asphalt. Can you imagine? Tonight will be in the single digits but above zero. This is such a welcomed change for us. Denver and many parts of Colorado have had much nicer weather. But we have been suffering. Greeley sits in a bowl by a big river, the South Platte so it has its own mini climate. It is supposed to snow again before the end of the week and be back in the 20s for daytime highs. But we will enjoy the few days of decent weather we have for now. To answer the question asked by dear friends on the warm and balmy Gulf coast, yes, we are freezing our..........ears off!!

We even ended the day with a really pretty sunset over a snow covered field.
We had both girls today and for the first time in quite a while we did not have to pull the two apart before they killed each other. They even played together for a short time. It was delightful.
Our first project was to get the toys organized. It is our goal this year to really fix up the girls' bedroom.
All of the toys are now in these fabric bins. We let the girls fill the bins
so they would know where things are. This made a huge difference in the room.
While Zoey was napping Hannah grabbed the caterpillar and pulled it over her head. She played for over an hour inside that crazy thing.
She was giggling like crazy when she told us she
was a periscope! Where would a three year old
learn about a periscope?
Look at the static electricity in Hannah's hair.
While she was playing she told Granddaddy to hide. Then she hid him herself.
Can you spot him?
I was laughing so hard I could hardly take the picture.
So as we wind down for the day we realize today was a really special day. It made suffering through the bitter cold very well worth it.

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