Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mountains-February 5, 2017

It has been a long gloomy spell with the weather so when we got a chance, we hit the road for the mountains. It was extremely cloudy and very cold, only 26 degrees when we left the house.

As we drove west on I-70 this was the first view of snow we could see.
It was so white it almost hurt our eyes. This is the "pure driven snow".
This was such a pretty sight.
Closer to Black Hawk the snow sort of disappeared but evidence of the cold was apparent.
Frozen Clear Creek. This was also pretty.
Sorry about the mirror showing in the picture.
And no, it is not cracked. Just a reflection of the guardrail.
When we got to Black Hawk, the sun was shining and it was 56 degrees! What a treat.
On the way back we hit fog that was moving like an animal across the highway. Neither of us has ever seen fog that moved like that. It was dense and it was alarming. The fog lifted near Denver and it started misting. As we got closer to the house Jerry turned on the wipers to clear the windshield. It was solid ICE!! I looked out and the truck was completely covered in ice. We carefully made it back safely. But five people died in that ice storm on Wednesday. We feel so blessed. It took two hours inside the garage for the ice to melt off of the truck.
When I think about it we had planned to stay longer in Black Hawk but I was having a really bad day so we left early. Do you think it was luck? No, indeed it was not. If we had waited later to leave our contact with the ice would have been so much worse. I call it a "God thing". My sister in law calls it a "God wink". Either way we were watched over all the way back.
We look forward to Spring so we can get out of the house more and travel safely. 

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