Monday, May 7, 2018

Soccer-May 7, 2018

We went to watch Hannah's soccer game on Saturday. The game was at noon. Why noon? No trees in sight. No breeze. Just a hot sun. The team members were being drowned with Gatorade but they still could not stay hydrated. It was just miserable. It got to us, too. We did feel that we needed to be there to support Hannah but we are not sure we can sit out in the hot sun like that again. They play until the end of May.

If you have never watched a soccer game of 5 and 6 year olds you need to do that. It is like both teams are glued to the ball. Both teams. So every player on the field follows the ball. And they move together like a mob. It is hilarious. But we did not go there to laugh. We did that later when we got home! The ball spent more time outside the white lines that it did inside. I know they have to learn but the constant whistles and free kicks have to be disheartening even to little kids.

At least Hannah had her eye on the ball even if she couldn't get to it.
The other team had a couple of ringers in there. Hannah is the only girl on her team. The other team had 3 girls and 2 of them were taller than I am. Seemed a bit much for 5 and 6 year olds. But there is not a soul who will listen to such complaints.
We're not sure that we can sit in that kind of heat in the future. It was miserable. Oh, yes, Hannah's team lost.

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