Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Greeley POW Camp-August 29, 2012

During WWII Greeley had a pow camp, POW Camp 202. It housed German and Austrian POWs. The ones from Germany knew about farming sugar beets because that's where the beets originated. So, many of the POWs were happy to help the local farmers out during sugar beet season. Jerry's dad used to drive a wagon over to Greeley to pick up some POWs to help him during harvest. It was very affordable. Many of the men returned to the US after the war. The story posted on one of the markers told the story of a POW who refused to help the enemy so he had to iron clothes. I think all in all it was a mutually beneficial arrangement for all involved. I am glad they put up a memorial to the site.

Two of these marked the entrance to POW Camp 202

I tried to make this as large as possible but it's still difficult to read. This is a monument to the prisoners who were housed at this POW camp.
I have always found this a fascinating story and incredible that a POW camp existed so close to where we lived. 

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