Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A drive to work-October 22, 2013

While having coffee this morning, we decided to drive to Derrick's new office. Neither of us has ever been in that part of Colorado. It is extremely different from the rest of the state. In fact it is rugged like south eastern Wyoming. Lots of bluffs and cliffs and of course, those 397 wind turbines. We did find the place but declined to travel the 10 mile dirt road to his actual office. The Cute Red Vehicle is clean and we wanted to keep it that way. We did the math and found that 32,000 acres is 50 legal sections of land. And it takes a long time to drive around that much land. We were astonished at the size of those turbines. We are used to seeing the ones that are 80 feet long. These are 150 feet long. And the sound is much louder than the little ones. Wind turbines are not quiet. It was a fun drive but we are too old to drive it to work.

Rugged landscape. It is typical Colorado brown.
One of Derrick's upcoming new toys. You cannot imagine how big that engine is. Access is gained through an elevator that goes up through the center of the base. I think I'd be claustrophobic.
I added this one for two reasons. 1) What are the odds I'd catch the third blade being
hidden behind the base? I couldn't do that again if I tried. 2) The sky is gorgeous!
Lots of toys! And the dirt road to the office.
I think I had the name wrong. It is the Cedar Creek wind farm on the Pawnee National Grasslands. I have a feeling we will all be learning along with Derrick. It should be very interesting. 


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