Friday, September 4, 2015

A park, a rainbow and you won't believe it-September 4, 2015

We had the girls yesterday and will have them again tomorrow. We did take them to a nearby park yesterday for a little over an hour. This is the only park that has slides and swings. We need both to have fun. I think the last picture was of Hannah so here's one of Zoey.

I did not realize how long I had pushed the swing until her head
flopped over and she hit her head on the swing. She didn't fuss.
She loves to swing for hours. And as long as my back will hold
up I am happy to push the swing for her.
While Zoey has been slow in her development, we have actually been very excited by the progress she has made in the last two weeks. We can see a change in her every time we pick her up. She is the happiest little thing. Well, she's not little. She is in the 90 percentile on all of the marks where she is measured. But she is very active and appears to be very healthy. She makes us feel good to be around her. Derrick says she fusses all the time for them. She never fusses for us. She laughs and sings and plays. Her joy is infectious. Hannah is still struggling with a very bad case of sibling rivalry and we don't know how to handle it very well. It scares us when Hannah hits Zoey or knocks her down. Somehow we will get through it. I am open to any suggestions anybody has.
After we took them home, much to our surprise we backed out of the driveway and there was a gorgeous rainbow. We could see the whole thing from one end to another. When we got home one half had disappeared but one was extremely vivid.
This was taken from Derrick's house.
This was taken from our balcony.
Yes I know that rainbows have taken on a different symbolization than they used to have. But I prefer to think they are a sign of hope from God.
Later in the evening some teenagers played a prank in the high school parking lot across the street. 
This is the best I could do with an iPhone. Look closely.
Those are Post It Notes. Three or four kids covered this black
pick-up truck with Post It Notes. They worked very fast. Then they added foil
fringe hanging out all of the doors. And last but not least, they blew up balloons, BIG
balloons, for a long time and forced them into the cab of the truck. I am sorry but
it really was fun and funny to watch. The owner did not get back to his truck until
all of the athletic activities were over about 9:30 last night. In a very short time
there were about half a dozen cars shining their headlights on this truck. It had to have
been a time of great laughter for everybody. Surely he pulled some of the notes off before
he drove home. It's probably posted on the internet somewhere. Oh to be young again!
Who knows what tomorrow holds with those two girls? Will keep you posted.

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