Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lots of $$$-July 30, 2011

When we checked in here, we asked about restaurants and entertainment. The check-in lady said the Horseshoe downtown Bossier has $1 million on display. So, after we straightened up a bit this morning, we hit the road. There is so much construction going on that we missed a turn and had to go back. But we found it. Then we found the money. We probably looked like rednecks who had just fallen off the turnip truck. They had 10,000 $100 bills on a wall that was 15 feet high and 100 feet long. The bills overlapped on one side or the wall would have been much longer. It was quite a sight to see. I didn't look to see how many cameras were watching us. It had to be a lot. If that was sitting on a table I have no idea how big the stack would be. I think it was more impressive on a wall. We had a very good lunch there, too. It was 98 degrees on the car thermometer coming home but we don't know what the heat index is. We have to relax and tolerate this until we get much farther north. We'll go through parts of Oklahoma tomorrow that predicts a real temp of 106 degrees. We sure hope this coach can tolerate that. We are inside taking it easy now. We got our excercise earlier this morning. Tomorrow is Sunday, a day of rest. Stay cool everyone.

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