Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mulate's-December 28, 2011

I cannot tell you how many trips we have made through Breaux Bridge and how many times we wanted to eat at Mulate's. Today we finally made it!! We both ordered gumbo though we ate two different types. It is such a unique place. The posts holding up the ceiling above the dance floor are the trunks of cypress trees, all gnarly and crooked. Everybody in there knew we were not local. The owner must have thanked us a dozen times for coming in. Hey, it was our treat. Then we went to a farmer's market. We went for a long walk around a 5 acre lake which we are parked beside. Quite a tricky walk on small round pebbles, but it is such a pretty day (WITH NO RAIN!) we just had to take in some fresh air. The little red cardinal won't leave us alone. He made a mess of our car. So now we have an adorable WalMart bag flying like a flag so perhaps he will go away. If he bashed his pointed beak into our window once this morning he did it a hundred times. I thought he would at least knock himself out. No such luck. Now I have to share a picture with you. Until we walked around the lake today we did not realize that the object in the water is the top of a car. So, here's the picture and the caption Jerry put on it.


Jerry is now trying his best to speak Southern so he will not meet this fate. Yes, that's a big old ugly heron on top of the car. Every day is a hoot in this coach!!

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