Monday, January 16, 2012

Making Progress-January 16, 2012

We are moving very slowly at working our way through our "to do" list, but any progress is better than no progress at all. We're having
a tough time sleeping and you will never guess the problem. It's too quiet!! Yes, you read that correctly. There is absolutely no sound in this park (they call it a resort--I'm not sure about that) at all at night. The other 5 couples staying here go to bed very early so there is just no sound at all at night. We have grown accustomed to people driving around all night long and hearing either planes or trucks nearby. This is an odd thing to have to adjust to, but we will. Then the next place we go will be noisy and we won't be used to that. What is that phrase? "You can't change the wind but you can adjust your sails". We are trying to adjust our sails. For the record we have been here a week and have not seen the beach. That's how busy we have been. We will get there, in time. Here's wishing you a wonderful day with no need to adjust your sails.

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