Sunday, October 26, 2014

Busy weekend-October 26, 2014

Most of Saturday was spent at Derrick's. Derrick and Jerry rearranged Derrick's garage and storage building. We had tossed a few big plastic tubs of stuff into the storage building (which was intended to be a garage in the beginning) but it was stuffed in a corner. The tractor is parked in there so it takes very little to make the place look junky. You may have experienced this at some point in your life. As soon as that was done we all had to get ready for a family wedding.

The family wedding was on the top of Lookout Mountain, elevation 7379 feet. It is classified as one of the larger foothills that overlooks Golden. Sorry, but 7379 feet high is not a foothill in my book. It is a full fledged mountain. The view was spectacular if one had to courage to look. The wedding was so sweet and so much fun. The man who officiated had a radio DJ type voice and he provided a wonderful service for this couple. And he read it from an iPad which I think is a sign of the times. The route up the mountain was nothing but snaky hairpin turns where you see your own taillights. We took a different route back down and it was much nicer. The wedding took place at the Boettcher Mansion. I told Jerry on the way up that I bet less than two people at the wedding would know what the Boettchers did for Colorado. He confessed he did not know. What? He is a native. The Boettchers brought sugar beet seed to Colorado from Germany and started that farming industry here. As they say, the rest is history. Sugar beets are a staple among Colorado farmers. My first year here I devoured every history book I could get my hands on because I knew nothing about Colorado. I'll match wits with a native any day!

Yesterday was also the first day we got to see Hannah's Halloween costume. As soon as the back door opened, she shouted "Grammy, I'm a bee!" and then she started running around and buzzing. What a hoot that little girl is.

There's no reason a little bumble bee can't wear
pink Crocs, is there?
We were so late getting home last night that we are still tired today. But it was worth it. Our best wishes to Jenna and Don.
Nasty weather moves in tomorrow, but hopefully it does not linger here.

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