Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another month?-October 1, 2014

I cannot believe we have moved into another month. A blink of the eye and the year will be behind us, too.

We kept Hannah yesterday and today both. We took her clothes shopping today and allowed her to actually pick her own clothes. She did a very good job. However, we did end up buying a tee shirt we did not intend to because she saw it and the entire store heard her say, "Wow, look at the mew-mew!". It was an adorable kitten on the front of the shirt. Lucky for her it was on clearance and there were only to left on the rack. She grabbed it and pulled it off the hanger and held it in her hand until we got to check out.

As yesterday we had rough storms this afternoon. The temps dropped 10 degrees in just a few minutes, the wind started rocking this coach and then the rain came down so hard it just roared. Then it passed through and a cold front followed. We've been in the 60s during the daytime and 40s at night this week. Some might say summer is definitely gone, but we know Colorado weather well enough to not believe that. We'll have a few nights in the 30s and then it should warm up again.

This is how it started today. It got much worse before it was over.
But since we are under cover we were not affected negatively.
Our plans for tomorrow have not been finalized yet. We will have Hannah with us again on Friday. That's all we have definitely planned so far. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

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