Thursday, December 18, 2014

Here we are-December 18, 2014

I can attempt to describe how this condo complex is set up but I'm not sure we have totally figured it out yet. Our building like so many others contains 12 condos as evidenced by 12 garage doors. However, condos are not stacked on top of each other. We have no one underneath us which is really nice since Hannah likes to run and dance.

This is what we refer to as the back side of this building. It is on the south
side, exactly opposite to us. Each side has a courtyard. The more we look
at this unique set up the more confused we become. It uses the least amount
of land and gives the biggest amount of living space in return.
We are on the left side. The balcony is off the living/dining room.
At the same time the lower door is also ours. Our front door and the door
from the garage enter very close together and go immediately up 17 steps.
Technically we live on one level but it is on the second floor. Confused?
The door on the left side of the courtyard, lower level is the entry to another
condo but no one lives in that space. They enter there and go up a flight of stairs also.
Therefore, we are not above anybody. On the courtyard there are two windows on the
upper level and one small window on the lower level. Those are ours. I'm telling you that
you have never seen any set up like this one. But it works. And we are getting plenty
of exercise. Hannah loves the steps for a reason we do not understand.
The men who delivered the furniture said they had a bone to pick with the architect and builder of this complex. The front door is offset from the steps by nearly a foot. Therefore everything coming in has to be shifted to the right to come up the steps. Only a sectional sofa could be brought in here. We only brought in a love seat and that worked fine but still took a little work. The bed was not difficult at all. We are contemplating a dining room table but we are not sure yet.
So now you see what has become our warm little home for a while. It was gorgeous today but only 41 degrees. Still it felt good. I ran all the errands today. I was happy to get out and enjoy the fresh air. They are saying it could snow on Christmas. How I hope not. It's pretty but we have to drive to Denver in it. Time will tell. And if it's bad, we stay home. Very simple.

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