Friday, December 26, 2014

Total snowfall-December 26, 2014

The storm was not as bad as predicted as far as the total snowfall. It appears we might have maybe 6 inches of snow on the ground here. Neither of us is volunteering to go out and measure it because it is only 18 degrees with a wind chill of 8 degrees. That makes us happy to be inside today.

It's pretty if you don't have to get out in it.
We are surprised at the number of tire tracks in the parking lot.
There must have been a large number of people who had to
go to work today. Notice the snow on the roofs? That indicates good insulation
in the attics. We are happy about that.
The high school parking lot almost appears to be part of the street,
but there's actually a large ditch in between. It's not visible.
Note all the tire tracks. People were in the parking lot last night
doing donuts (doughnuts, if you prefer). You could tell they were
really having fun. Frankly I was more in favor of them pulling those
stunts in a vacant parking lot than on the streets.
Unfortunately a nearby neighbor decided at 5:00 AM that her BMW needed to be in her garage with a ton of snow on top of it. She struggled for an hour trying to get the car in but it was just spinning on the ice under the snow. She finally gave up so we could go back to sleep. I don't blame her for wanting her Beamer in the garage but why didn't she put it inside before the snow started? Who knows?
This is homemade soup and bread baking weather. Sounds good to me.


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