Sunday, January 11, 2015

Unrelated topic-January 11, 2014

Please pardon me for using this "travel" blog to express my views about a McDonald's commercial. It has nothing to do with anything except it is bugging the daylights out of me.

You know they adopted a new line for their commercials. It's all about love. Hogwash. This one commercial starts out sweet with an animated postal work sharing a milk shake with a dog. Not really brilliant but that's their idea, not mine. As the commercial progresses, a tiny voice starts singing and I kid you not, she sings "Pregnant at 13, at 14 everything was different but at 15 all was fine". Pregnant at 13? What on earth? Why does that need to be in a commercial? It has nothing to do with love. And it certainly has nothing to do with McDonald's French fries.

I am disgusted. I am repulsed. I am annoyed beyond words. If I ate at McDonald's I would boycott them. But we don't eat there. Somehow I will figure out a way to let headquarters know how fed up I am with that line of thinking.

In the meantime, please listen for the commercial. And please do what you are led to do.

Now, let's all have a wonderful day!

Note: After I posted the above blog, they played another commercial (during the football game). This one had animated characters in a boxing ring. The song starts the same with "Pregnant at 13, but the words for ages 14 and 15 are slightly different though along the same lines. What do you think?

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