Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I forgot this, too-February 8, 2012

As we have traveled across the country, we found that every RV park offers something unique, whether it be people or animals. We've stayed in parks that had wild turkeys, peacocks, deer and of course, all sorts of squirrels. Many had tiny lizards. Even this park has lots of lizards in several different sizes. But in Camp Verde, Arizona, we missed the javelinas. What's a javelina? It's a wild pig that's actually a member of the peccary family. I'm quoting that from the internet, not from my memory. They don't exceed 80 pounds and they are nocturnal. So, when we checked in we were warned not to be alarmed if we saw them at night. After researching them we know they have migrated from South America and they are warm weather animals. It was quite chilly in Arizona at night so we never saw them. We don't know where they go if it's too cold to roam. So now we want to go back at some point in the future so we can see them. Sometimes we did not want to know what roamed around us at night. That applies here. Staying near a swamp does not make one want to meet the nocturnal creatures. That applies only to animals. People are a whole story in themselves. I have blogged about some of the people we have met but could not tell you about all of them. I think I could write a book about the unusual humans we have met. It's all part of the adventure. We are starting to get in the mood to move on to see what or whom we will meet next.

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