Thursday, November 13, 2014

Brrrrr-November 13, 2014

We always watch the weather wherever we may be as well as weather where family and friends are. We did not expect cold weather here until late last night when they changed the forecast. So, Jerry turned on a light bulb we keep in the wet bay. That 60 watt bulb is enough to keep everything in that bay from freezing. Then we dripped the faucet in the kitchen sink. It dropped to 21 degrees last night. And it was just below 50 in the bedroom when we woke up. That's cold in my book. It did not go above freezing until noon today. It was such a shock to people that there were frozen pipes all over the park. And there were frozen pipes in a number of coaches and 5th wheel trailers. The couple next to us who are on their way to Sedona, AZ had a frozen water pipe this morning. That's tough. We faired well though we were cold. It takes so little to prevent freezing so we are not sure why people don't take those small steps. Sunday night is supposed to be worse. We are a bit apprehensive about that.

When we did thaw out we headed to town. This park is just outside of the city limits up on a hill. The pollution in Albuquerque was so shocking we did not know what to say.

I was driving so I could not zoom in like I wanted to. The lower
level brown cloud in about the center of the picture covers up the city
of Albuquerque. It is disgusting pollution. It really gets to your eyes and throat, too.
We hope tomorrow is nice enough that we can go somewhere touristy though we are not excited about breathing that nasty air.
Before I forget again, please let me share with you what UPS told us. Starting January 1, they are going to change the way they compute shipping charges. Instead of it being done by weight, it is going to be based on the size and shape of the package. She said "it will be much more expensive" than it is now. So, we are already thinking of how to avoid UPS or FedEx. The Post Office is no cheaper. So, start planning ahead for next year's shipping. It goes without saying it will affect whatever you order online, too. Gotcha!

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