Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Different people-April 23, 2013

We had to run some errands today one of which was to buy gas for the Cute Red Vehicle for $3.35 a gallon. We liked that. Another stop was at a Home Depot. We needed a liquid stripper to take the finish off these tile floors so we can start all over again. As we approached the front door, an employee who was working the door asked a couple to show their receipt for a furnace filter the wife was carrying. The two of them were completely blocking the door so we had no choice but to overhear the confrontation. The man asked in a very nasty voice why she needed to see his receipt? The employee replied that she is required to check all receipts when something is carried out the door without being in a shopping bag. She asked him again for the receipt. He told her it was none of her business and proceeded to walk away. It is conceivable that the furnace filter was stolen though we hope not. I thought the Home Depot employee was going to cry. I spoke to her quietly and told her I was sorry for the man's behavior. She said she has to deal with things like that every day and it is consistent with people who are not American citizens. She said they just don't understand and don't want to. I hope Home Depot pays their people a lot of money because no one needs to have to put up with anger and nastiness like what that man displayed. I had a hard time shaking that. A couple of hours later it struck me how blessed we are to live in the United States where we are taught how to be polite, how to follow rules and how to be thankful. Other countries are not taught manners. They are also raised with a chip on their shoulders. And I find that really sad. We experience some form of rudeness from a non US citizen almost every day of our lives, but none quite a nasty as this one. Bless that sweet lady at the door.

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