Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bass Pro-February 22, 2014

After having leisurely coffee this morning we decided to go to Bass Pro Shop/Silverton Hotel and Casino, all in one gigantic building. Lots of walking but it is fun. We really like that Bass Pro Shop. But the fun part is the wonderful aquarium that separates the hotel and Bass Pro. It is huge and stocked full of all sorts of colorful fish. They say having an aquarium in your home lowers blood pressure. We both can understand that. We found empty chairs and just sat and watched the fish and then watched the little kids watch the fish. We sure wish Hannah had been with us.

All shapes, colors and sizes.
And lots of them.
This scuba diver was not the least bit entertaining. Last year
we had a mermaid who interacted with the kids and made
a fun game out of feeding the sting rays. This guy seemed not
to like his job. But the sting rays were still happy to see him.
Then on the way back, about 3 blocks from our park, the road was completely blocked by police cars. We tried to go around which is no easy task and could not get here that way either. I called the office to see if they knew a way we did not know. No, there is no other way. A pedestrian had been hit right at the entry to the park. They are really bad about walking out in the street whenever they choose to. We have seen it countless times. The lady in the office thought it had been a fatality but we now don't think so. It was no one from here. However, it took 3 hours and 45 minutes to clear the road. Meanwhile we drove around for a while and then we just parked in a parking deck and waited. Needless to say we were happy to get home and have a bite to eat. We were only inconvenienced. The person who was hit was more than inconvenienced. We have remarked many times at how many people walk here. No cars, no bicycles. They just walk. Sometimes there will be dozens at an intersection and they get mad if you don't stop for them. But there are just as many who do not cross where they should. Police, signs and television all warn them to use crosswalks but they don't. Too bad. We are staying home tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Relax and enjoy your Sunday.

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