Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brrr-April 2, 2014

Bear with me. It was a nasty day, weather wise, to try to take a picture.
I found it hard to hold the camera still in the wind. You will have to look closely at this
one. It goes without saying you recognize the Stratosphere, which is called "the Strat" by the
locals. Slightly to the right and at about midway in the frame there is a nice mountain
there called Mt Charleston. What you see here is snow falling on Mt Charleston. The odd thing about the way Las Vegas sits in a bowl is that we could see it snowing on Mt Charleston and when we turned around the sun is shining on another mountain range. I can tell you that it is really cold. The wind is blowing like crazy and it cannot be above 40 degrees outside. Tonight is going to be a step back into winter. Then starting this weekend it will be a direct march into the heat of summer. We had to get out today but didn't stay out long because it was so cold.
At least the weather is not boring here!

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