Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sunset, satsumas and swimmers-January 8, 2014

This could be another long blog. I apologize in advance.

The sun set very quickly last night. To add to the color there was a fire burning nearby. Not sure what was burning. Sugar cane, maybe? Anyway, it was interesting.

This is why we like this particular spot. What a view!
At first glance, one might assume these Satsuma trees had been tp'd. At second glance it looked like plastic bags. It was neither. It was ice.
As I stepped closer I could hear running water. Again assuming, perhaps they ran water to try to save the fruit, the irrigation pipes froze and then the trees froze. I could have cried at all those beautiful Satsumas frozen solid. What a waste. There was no one around to ask exactly what happened.
The sunset pictures are taken out the front window. This picture was taken out a side window, so it is shaded and creates a smokiness to the picture.
I have no idea what ducks eat from the bottom of the lake, but these creatures were
really pigging out on something. When they were full, they quickly swam to the other side.


 I almost forgot to tell you about lunch. We went to our favorite Breaux Bridge spot. If you look up the word "tacky" in the dictionary, it will have a picture of this restaurant, Crazy About Crawfish. But the food is wonderful. I had chicken and sausage gumbo. Jerry had Zydeco shrimp. And we shared a bread pudding which is made with pineapple and raisins. Oh my goodness we are happy campers. We will not eat again until tomorrow.
This is only a small portion of one wall. Is this not tacky? It is indeed. The framed picture on the left says "Festival de l'Ecrevisse de Pont Breaux. That means Breaux Bridge Seafood Festival. I am so proud I knew that without reading the translation. French is almost the only thing I remember from high school. Great language. For the most part we sat quietly and listened to people talk, not to be eavesdropping, but only to listen to the accent of the locals. What a great sound! Happy accent, happy language, happy people. Great food!
More good food tomorrow. We'll meet friends for lunch tomorrow in Lafayette. Going to Don's Seafood.
And one more thing, we have no water here. Not because of pipes being frozen, but because the local water district ran out of water. They are giving bottled water to the kids in school. Everybody else is doing without. Not sure how they will ever refill their water tanks. Nor do I know what we will do if we cannot wash clothes. 


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