Saturday, March 15, 2014

St Patrick's Day parade-March 15, 2014

We did start our day very early this morning and made our way to Henderson. It's not too far up the road from here. We did not know where to park which meant that we ended up walking a lot farther than we really needed to, but it was a very nice day so we did not mind. We were absolutely stunned at how many people were there to watch the parade. And as it rolled on we were really stunned at how long the parade lasted. The last entry we saw was number 63 and that was after we had watched it for 2 hours. I will say it was extremely entertaining and great fun.

A few of Henderson's finest started the parade.
Color guard from Nellis AFB was second in line.
Not sure who this is, but we might assume it was from a church.
Lots of kilts in this parade, of course.
Wells Fargo stage coach and team of horses.
There were several dozen employees walking behind the coach.
A conservative guess of the number of classic and antique
cars in the parade would be 50+. I loved this old Ford.
There were at least half a dozen groups of dog owners.
This one was in the Dachshund owners group. Some had
much shorter legs and they just gave up and sat down in the middle of the street.
Then we had Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers.
There was a car ahead of these people that was marked as
Vader's Staff car. It had a note on it that read
"Warning: Slow nearsighted Storm Troopers in the area".
This nice looking lady was superb on her stilts. She could
walk very fast and cover a lot of ground.
There was a sea of green on the streets and we got quite a laugh out of some of the t-shirts people wore. One guy had on a shirt that read "This is the only green shirt I own". Another one, on an Hispanic guy read "I'm not quite Irish but I love to party". Another Hispanic guy had on a green shirt with the picture of a burro and under it is said "Juan's Deer". There were people in green wigs. Most of the little kids were adorable. It made us wish we had Hannah with us. I did see an Oriental man with a bright green mustache. You'll have to take my word for it that this was another of those events we would not have wanted to miss, however, we'd love for them to make it later in the day!
I wish you a wonderful Sunday.
And a very Happy St Patrick's Day on Monday!


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