Monday, December 9, 2013

Third recall completed-December 9, 2012

I hope you can find time to read what will end up being a long blog. This was an unbelievable day. The last recall was completed today. This is the one that covers the floor on the largest slide, the driver's side, living room slide. It was not unusually complicated. The problem came at the end when several things happened. So here are the pictures.

Getting ready to remove the slide.
Selecting the correct replacement floor.
The slide is removed by crane.
This is the slide lying on its side. You are looking at the bottom which is what is being replaced.
Finishing the work on the new floor.
And the slide goes back in as easily as it came out. Fortunately for all involved.

The frustrating part came when the workers tried to replace the awning above the slide. There is only one way it goes back in place. Jerry knew how to do it but these guys did not. They claim they have done 3000 of these things but they could not put the awning back easily. They just kept bashing it with a hammer. Lucky for them they did not damage it that we can tell. Jerry and I took the awning off this summer by ourselves and we got it back in place without bashing the daylights out of it. It is spring loaded so there is only one way to reconnect it. The workers were running very late and only wanted us out of there. They had their coats on as we started out and closed the door when we had barely cleared it. Normally the guys are polite and assist us backing out. This was a very steep incline. We proceeded to back out while we each watched our mirrors and the back up camera. We have never heard the brakes make the noise they were making so we were really shaken up by that. Well, lo and behold, Jerry backed into another coach. Fortunately it was not an expensive one and all that was damaged was their ladder. However, it really bothered us that the other coach did not appear in our back up camera. It is what it is. We will call insurance tomorrow and give the whole situation to them to handle. We are out of here asap.
The interesting part of the whole bump-bump thing is that I had accidentally taken a picture of the man whose coach we bumped. Take a look.
You can tell by his demeanor he is not a happy man. In fact I would say he reacted like a real hothead. However, we did not deliberately hit his little coach, but he acted like we were picking on him. That's why we will let insurance handle it. Oddly, I had spent some of this afternoon talking to his wife. She is very nice and we shared some laughs over the problems with our coaches. They have had a problem with something damaging the paint on the front of their coach. So to take her mind off of it, we took care of the paint on the back! Seriously, only the ladder was hurt. I'm just looking for the humor in this day.
When they were putting our coach back together one of the workers asked if we knew our sub woofer was not connected? What? I told him we didn't even know we had a sub woofer. I ask you why we need a woofer that subs?? I also told him that we could not make the radio work so it really didn't matter. He said it was to work with the DVD player. I told him we couldn't make that work either!! So, he kindly reconnected it for us. Nothing beats a good working sub woofer!
Today had its fun time and it had its stressful time. There is warning for ice on the roads tonight. I cannot tell you how happy I am that we have to be in the paint shop at 7:30 tomorrow morning to get the cap rails painted. Then Wednesday we go back to have the ladder reattached and then.............WE ARE OUT OF HERE!! We hope anyway.


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