Saturday, November 9, 2013

Catching up-November 9, 2013

We did not realize how far behind we were on every day things that needed to be done. Our first and foremost thing to do while at Derrick's was play with Hannah and enjoy every minute. Trust me, we did that. So, housecleaning and clothes washing was so far behind it was unreal. Today was the start of "catch up" time. I was able to get all of our clothes washed before we headed to Gainesville. I am sure you are delighted to read about this. Not every day is a day of tourism. We need one more day to get the coach itself back in order. In the future any time we get an opportunity to spend time with Hannah we will put everything else on the back burner and never regret it. She is the pot of gold at the end of our rainbow. I also realize that I have pictures still on my phone that have to be transferred and I have pictures on my computer that I have not shared. Please allow me to share just one now. Well, maybe two.

After Derrick spent a week in Arkansas for training he began his new career in the wind industry. It snowed his second day on the job at the wind farm. That was the snow we were trying to avoid. So, he decided to go up a 30 story elevator inside the base of a turbine to the top to see what was going on. This is one of those ultra huge turbines. I think I'm too claustrophobic for this. But he was fine. Here is what he saw from the top.

300 feet in the air. I would not want to be a technician working on one of these things.
And I am glad Derrick is not a technician working on one of these things!
This is one of the engines with the top flipped open. This really means nothing to me except that there are men who have to work on these things. This would not be a line of work I would choose.
I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day tomorrow.
We are going to rest and prepare to move on down the road.

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