Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thackerville, OK-November 6, 2013

We had a nice trip to Thackerville, Oklahoma, home of Terry Bradshaw and the Win Star World hotel/casino/resort/RV park. It's now the largest one in the United States. After I posted this blog last night, it started raining and we thought we needed to start building an ark. It poured. So what did I do first thing this morning? On my way to the Cute Red Vehicle I took a big step and thought it was just green grass. It was actually a puddle that went to my ankles. So I put the car through its paces so we could connect it to the coach and I grumbled the entire time. That water was really cold. Then after we paid our toll and got on the turnpike Jerry confessed he had left the splitter on the water faucet, the very splitter we bought yesterday to replace the one we left at Derrick's house. Now we are splitter-less! It did not end there. While he was backing up into space 157 in this really nice RV park he decided to wipe out the sign for space 155. Now the ding on the right front panel matches the ding on the back where he tried to park the coach on top of a picnic table in South Carolina. It's best to  be balanced, don't you think? All of that takes second place to our journey here. Oklahoma was as pretty as we have ever seen it. We have driven this route through rain, snow, sleet, fog, ice and wind but it was full sunshine today. Most of the trees are still wearing their summer green and the farm fields are beautiful. For the record: Jerry pounded out the sign with a mallet and I put duct tape on the back and put it on the post where it was originally. Looks fine.

I believe this is a wheat field. Love that color of green.
This leads to a very high point on this interstate. We figured out a long time ago that if you go up one side of a mountain you have to drop back down on the other side. No exception here. At the top they have parking places so you can take in the view. It's that pretty.

I was dreading going through Moore, Oklahoma because of the tornado. But the buildings by the interstate were still in tact. However, there were hoards of those big electrical trucks everywhere. Obviously they are still trying to put things back together. So glad we did not have to see the damage. Even the water tower that reads "Moore, Home of Toby Keith" is still standing. What a relief.
We could not get connected fast enough in this park to get to the hotel/casino so we could eat at El Fenix. They have such good Mexican food. A great ending to an interesting day. We like it here so much we think we will stay a few days. 

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